Recovery Starts Here and Now.

It takes a great deal of courage to admit that something's askew in your life, so thank you for taking the first (and arguably) the most difficult step towards help. 

Hello, my name is Kendall Campbell. I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. I specialize in helping couples communicate effectively, manage and resolve conflict, and move forward from two of the greatest challenges that can affect relationships: Infidelity and Addiction

Kendall Campbell Counseling Couples Therapy and Marriage Counseling in Austin Texas

☎ Reach Out

Phone: (512) 920-3654


Address: 5758 Balcones Dr., Unit 101, Austin, TX 78731

Kendall Campbell Counseling Couples Therapy and Marriage Counseling in Austin Texas - Services


When an affair becomes known it can easily leave a wake of heartache, confusion, anger and about fifty other emotions. Along with those overwhelming emotions you might experience the thoughts of "What on earth do I do now?" and "How can I continue to love someone I'm not sure I can trust?"

In Affair Recovery Counseling, I help couples answer those questions and guide them through the next steps of healing so they can once again feel confident moving forward.

Addiction is a vicious cycle. What can start out as a means of coping or dealing with something later becomes an unshakable identity that impacts every part of a person's life.

During Addiction Counseling I will work with you to identify the patterns and life experiences that perpetuate your addiction cycle and together we will create new strategies that allow you to live the healthy and sober life you want.


If you're wanting to enhance your passion and love, give it one last go before discussing divorce, or simply regain peace and connection in your relationship, then this is the counseling for you.

During Marriage Counseling, I will help you and your partner develop (or strengthen) the skills you need to identify and successfully communicate your needs, as individuals and as a couple unit.